Next Generation Podium 2025

Next Generation Podium for Eurodelta

This is an invitation to the next generation of landscape architects, planners, designers and urban thinkers, universities and research institutes on behalf of the SURE Network, to participate in the development of the Eurodelta mega-region. Next Generation Podium for Eurodelta 2025 is a symposium to bring out fresh perspectives from the young generation and create dialogues between experts practice and academia.

After the success of the past three editions, we are hosting the fourth edition of the Next Generation Podium to explore the future developments of the Eurodelta further. The program consists of a week-long symposium open to students, young researchers and professionals (0-2 years of experience) working in the field of architecture, design, urban studies, economic geography and spatial planning. The symposium will take place online via Zoom, from the 10th to 14th of February.

The 2025 conference is made up of a three-day lunch forum on 10, 11 and 12 of February and a two-day online symposium from the 13 and 14 of February. The lunch forums will focus on the discussion of three themes: Circular (Built) Delta, Accessible (Rail) Delta and Inclusive (Water) Delta. The two-day working conference will see students working in groups to develop their strategic spatial plan for the megaregion. They will work together within their chosen themes under supervision from experts in the field, mentoring and guiding the process throughout.

Register Here

1 Introduce Yourself
2 Choose your Preferences


Lunch Forums 10-12 feb

The lunch forums will be hosted online by researchers and practitioners within the Eurodelta focused on three critical themes Circular (Built) Delta,  (Rail) Accessible Delta and (water) Inclusive Delta.

lunch forum, day 1 (10th february 2025) – circular (built) delta


12:00 Welcome and Introduction Circular Delta by Alankrita Sarkar (Deltametropolis Association)
12:10 Eurodelta and SURE Network by Erik Pasveer (Gemeente Amsterdam)
12:35 Transforming City Regions for Circularity – Harbour City Amsterdam Circular Design Studio(ASSET) by Fabio Bayro Kaiser (RWTH Aachen University)
12:50 Circularity in Brussels and Flanders by Alexandre Ferrão Santos (Brussels Perspective)
13:05 Panel discussion – How can circular thinking, from building to macroregional scale, inspire new ideas for a circular city, region, Eurodelta, and transnational cooperation?

lunch forum, day 2 (11th february 2025) – (rail) accessible delta


12:00 Welcome and Introduction Accessible Delta facilitated by Willem van Heijningen (Amsterdam Municipality)
12:10 EGTC Rhine-Alpine Corridor – Cross-border collaboration by Cecilia Braun (EGTC Rhine Alpine Corridor)
12:25 Transitions in mobility and space by Sofie Troch (Labo Ruimte)
12:40 Ambassade Model by Rien van de Wall (Deltametropolis Association)
12:55 Panel discussion – Why is a corridor approach important in different scales of Eurodelta? What does accessibility mean for the border regions?

lunch forum, day 3 (12th february 2025) – (water) inclusive delta


12:00 Welcome and Introduction Inclusive Delta by David de Boer (Deltametropolis Association)
12:10 Port City Futures by Carola Hein (TU Delft)
12:25 Grenspark Groot Saeftinghe by Pieter Jan Meire (EGTS Linieland van Waas en Hulst)
12:40 Blue Park Eurometropolis by Catherine Christiaens (Eurometropolis)
12:55 Panel discussion – How can ports and port waterways in the Eurodelta have a symbiotic relationship with the surrounding landscapes? How does living with water in the Delta regions shapes the socio-cultural mindset?


Working Conference day 13 feb

opening ceremony


09:00 Welcome by Paul Gerretsen (Deltametropolis Association)
09:10 Keynote speaker – Wat zou je doen by Lena Hartog + Q&A
09:40 Keynote speaker – EU Cross Border Deal by Martina Benedetti Marshall (Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT)) + Q&A
10:10 Spatial narratives and systemic sections as methods by Alexander Wandl (TU Delft)
10:20 Q&A + Panel discussion
10:45 Workshop brief by Alankrita Sarkar (Deltametropolis Association) + Introducing thematic supervisors + Q&A
11:00 End of opening ceremony / Coffee break

workshop for students


11:15 Workshop begins with thematic supervisors
12:15 Lunch break
13:15 Working in thematic groups
15:00 Coffee break
15:15 Interaction with thematic supervisors
16:00 Working in thematic groups
17:15 End of day 1 with Alankrita Sarkar

Working conference Day 14 feb

workshop for students


09:00 Working in thematic groups
11:15 Coffee break
11:30 Discussion about integration of sectors
12:15 Lunch break
13:15 Production of presentations and designs
15:15 Coffee break

closing ceremony – public program


15:30 Pitches and jury reviews Dagmar Keim, Mariana Faver Linhares, Alexandre Ferrão Santos, Alexander Wandl, Erik Pasveer and Maurits Schaafsma.
17:20 Closing note by Paul Gerretsen (Deltametropolis Association)
17:30 End of the program and Informal Networking

After the success of the past three editions, we are hosting the fourth edition of the Next Generation Podium to explore the future developments of the Eurodelta further. The program consists of a week-long symposium open to students, young researchers, and professionals (0-2 years of experience) working in the fields of architecture, design, urban studies, economic geography, and spatial planning.

If you also cannot attend the workshop, be sure to keep an eye on our website for future editions and upcoming events of a similar nature.

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