Landvestors breakout session

Hightech Highgreen work conference

The Hightech Highgreen work conference is part of the program of the Landscape Triennial 2021, organized in the Dutch Brainport region. This conference is centered around the idea that a high-level economy cannot do without a high-level landscape, to retain and attract talent. In one of the breakout sessions of the conference, the Brainport meets a German tech region: Rheinisches Revier, to discuss the importance of landscape in the battle for talent, and the potential of so-called Landvestors in their strategies.

Increasingly, governments come to the conclusion they cannot bear the financial burden of landscape development and maintenance by themselves. At the same time, private landscape initiatives by companies and citizen collectives are mushrooming in many places. Welcome to the age of Landvestors. In hightech regions, Landvestors could be an opportunity in the battle for talent and in landscape transitions. In this English-spoken session, the Green Corridor area (part of Brainport NL) meets KRAFTRAUM:terranova (part of Rheinisches Revier DE).


Register easily via EventBrite, or find more information on the program on the website Hightech Highgreen.

Final program

10:00 — Introduction: what are Landvestors, and why are they relevant for high-tech regions? (Merten Nefs)

10:05 — Pitches by the two areas about their main landscape-economic challenges, Q&A

  • KRAFTRAUM:terranova (Dr. Ruth Laengner)
  • Green Corridor (Jonas Papenborg, Rob Voets, Paul Winkelmolen)

10:30 — Landvestors Pitches and discussion with stakeholders

  • Green Corridor (Jonas Papenborg)
  • KRAFTRAUM:terranova (Lea Soret)

11:00 — Reflection with input from the audience

  • How serious are the business models behind Landvestors? (Joost Hagens)
  • What can we learn from this experiment and from each other’s regions?
  • How do you tell a Landvestor from a greenwasher?

11:15 — End of breakout session

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