Expert meeting


On Thursday the 16th of July, the Vereniging Deltametropool organizes the expertmeeting for the Landvestors research project. In this online event we want explore different and new forms of private landscape investments.

The management of the landscape has traditionally been a matter between farmers, nature organizations and the government. But new forms of cooperatives, ownership, crowdfunding, donations and entrepreneurship are mushrooming. On this expert meeting, initiatives from home and abroad will be juxtaposed. The aim is to find out new financing models for landscape management in the Netherlands.

Together, we will evaluate 12 examples and 3 categories of landscape investment initiatives, which we gathered over the past months. The research includes cases from the Netherlands and abroad (USA, Germany, Sweden, Canada and Brazil) that do not (only) rely on governmental subsidies.


10.00u — Welcome and introduction*

10.15u — International keynote & discussion

Kjell Schmidt, director Regionalpark Rhein Main

11.05u — Coffee break

11.15u — Break out sessions

  Breakout 01: Donation, moderated by Lea Soret

  Breakout 02: Crowdfunding, moderated by Analuisa Moura 

  Breakout 03: Business Model, moderated by Paul Gerretsen

11.45u — Discussion and wrap-up

12.00u — End

*digital meeting environment (Zoom) will be open 10min earlier.

Breakout 01

How can donations become a viable alternative for Dutch landscape investment?

Breakout 02

How can crowdfunding inspire individuals and companies to invest in the Dutch landscape?


Breakout 03

What does a smart business model need, to be beneficial to all stakeholders and still leave enough room for landscape investment?


We have spoken with several experts, including Matthijs Boeschoten, Gilmee Davids,  Joost Hagens, Willemijn de Iongh, Wes Korrel, Anneke van Mispelaar, and Eline van Veen. Meet some of them in the expert meeting!

The project is an activity of Community of Practice ‘Landschap als Vestigingsvoorwaarde’, and partly funded by Creative Industries Fund.

For more information regarding Landvestors, please visit the Landvestor webpage.

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