Housing and Planning in the Climate Agenda

Rotterdam Convening 2024 | Rotterdam Architecture Month

The Rotterdam Convening 2024 is a collaborative event organized by the International Federation of Housing and Planning (IFHP) and Vereniging Deltametropool (VDM). This convening is designed to facilitate knowledge exchange of planning and housing and deepen international collaboration between both the two organizations. The event is scheduled on the 7th of June 2024 (Friday) from 11:30 – 17:00 hours as a part of Rotterdam Architecture Month.

— Register here

Both IFHP and VDM share a common vision: to enhance urban and societal development while prioritizing a high quality of life. By collaborating, they bring together local context and global perspectives to address challenges in sustainable spatial development, planning, and housing. While VDM focuses on the Eurodelta region, IFHP represents the broader international context. Their partnership, formalised through a Memorandum of Understanding, sets the stage for a shared vision and action plan beyond 2024.

Please note that the program will be taking place in English.


The program is divided into three parts. We will begin the discussion with the keynote speaker at the New Institute and then we will walk to Kunsthal for Network Lunch through the Festival Heart of Rotterdam Architecture Month. Finally, we will be taking a water taxi to Katendrecht for the last part of the program – Walk and Talk in the developing Rijnhaven area.

11:30 – 13:00 hours – Keynote at Nieuwe Instituut

Role of Networks in Housing and Planning: How can knowledge exchange and collaboration across networks address pressing challenges like climate change and environmental degradation? Building on the initiative of Network of Networks developing between IFHP and VDM, we aim to further develop a comprehensive approach to urban development, encouraging exchange, emphasising collaboration and innovative practices about sustainability across different scales.

13:15 – 14:30 hours – Networking lunch at Kunsthal

Connect with experts from different planning practices over lunch and continue the dialogue on housing and sustainable urban development.

15:00 – 17:00 hours – Walk and talk with experts at Rijnhaven

Housing, Planning, and Climate Adaptive Strategies – Case of Rijnhaven

During this site visit, the Rijnhaven area will be used as a case study to discuss Housing, Planning, and Climate Adaptive strategies. The discussion will include comparisons with other examples from cities such as Berlin, Paris, and London. Collaborative efforts between cities and understanding the unique characteristics and challenges of different metropolitan areas, leveraging fact-based solutions, are crucial. This acknowledges both the unique challenges and shared goals faced by cities and communities, providing a comprehensive framework for collective action to address urban challenges effectively.

17:00 – 18:00 hours – Borrel at Fenix Factory (optional)

— Register here

Rotterdam Architecture Month provides the perfect opportunity to host a fruitful event like the Rotterdam Convening. By leveraging the vibrant atmosphere and the collective expertise of participants, we can foster meaningful exchanges and collaborations. This event is poised to be a significant step towards achieving our shared goals of sustainable and socially equitable urban development.

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