IFHP x VDM Learning Labs
Preparatory Session: Expectations and Contributions
The Learning Labs aims to foster knowledge exchange and develop practical, scalable solutions that can be implemented across diverse urban contexts. Through a blend of international expertise, case studies, and collaborative discussions, this series will lay the groundwork for innovative urban planning strategies adaptable to cities worldwide.
Session Overview
Join us for the preparation session of our Learning Labs, where we’ll set the stage for our upcoming discussions on affordable housing, governance, and climate-adaptive strategies. This activity is part of the collaboration between the International Federation for Housing and Planning (IFHP) and the Deltametropolis Association (VDM).
Register here
Purpose: Define expectations and contributions for the series.
Discussion Topics:
- Key challenges in housing and planning
- Contributions from participants
- Collaborative goals for future sessions
- Foster a shared understanding of the series objectives.
- Encourage participants to share insights and experiences.
- Establish a foundation for collaborative learning.
You’ll find more information about the IFHP x VDM Learning Labs project here.
This event is for VDM and IFHP members, but we also invite prospective members to the preparatory session in the 27th of November, to share their ideas and expectations for Learning Labs. Starting in January, Learning Labs will be exclusive to VDM and IFHP members. Join the session as a great opportunity to learn about our organizations, mission, and agenda, and to become a member.
For membership inquiries, contact:
- Kirsten Crown (kirsten.crown@deltametropool.nl)
- Jonas Guigonnat (jonas.guigonnat@ifhp.org)
We look forward to your participation as we embark on this journey together!