Futures of Spatial Design
Workshops and Talks
The spatial planning of the Netherlands is back on the drawing boards of governments and designers. They are trying to find answers to major social and environmental challenges that affect us all, such as climate change, housing, energy transition and social justice. But what exactly is this role of the designer? How do you work on the Netherlands of the future? Which tools, skills and mindsets do you need for that? How have design attitudes evolved? And how can we work together in preparing for the future?
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Nieuwe Instituut, College van Rijksadviseurs and Vereniging Deltametropool invite you to explore together what the future role of spatial designers in the Netherlands can be.
Friday 12 April 2024 from 14:30h at Nieuwe Instituut, Museumpark 25, Rotterdam
We use “The Netherlands on the Drawing Table” as inspiration and as a workshop. This exhibition shows a long and leading tradition in spatial design. Together, we will discuss the role of designers then, now and in the future.
We welcome designers of all generations to share their expertise and discuss the role of the spatial designers with scientists, policymakers, and citizens. We look forward to co-creating a plan of action for the spatial designer of the future. Moderated conversations are situated in the exhibition space along questions:
- How are designers equipped for complex spatial, ecological and social questions?
- What can we learn from the past, present to design the Netherlands in the future?
A public evening programme concludes the programme, with a summary of the workshop results and critical reflections from outside the design field.
14:30h – Designing the Netherlands. 100 Years of Past & Present Futures – Workshop with invited experts situated in the exhibition space
17:30h – Informal dinner with invited experts at Het Nieuwe Café
19:00h – Futures of Spatial Design – public evening programme with Gido ten Dolle, Jannemarie de Jonge en Paul Gerretsen
Please register for the workshop, dinner, and public evening programme