Lidmaatschap student 2021
The Deltametropole Association invites you to become a student member.
Be a part of the association to interact with our professional network of spatial designers, urban planners and executive directors. Use this platform to voice your thoughts and opinions with experts of this field.
The Netherlands with its polycentric structure must respond in a unique way to urgent tasks such as urbanization, energy transition and climate adaptation. How do we ensure that we are prepared for the future? And how can we connect these tasks to strengthen our international competitive position?
The Deltametropolis Association works with its partners on the development of the Delta Metropolis. We offer a unique meeting place for anyone who likes to look beyond the boundaries of his own field. Together we explore topics such as mobility, urbanization, work landscapes, energy transition, the eurodelta metropolis and the landscape as a identity.
You get following advantages as a student member;
- Receive all our publications for free;
- Attend our (network) events for free;
- Internship possibility at the Delta Metropolis Association.
Do you want to be able to network freely in a professional environment and make optimal use of all our expertise? Become a member for only € 25, - per year.
Meer informatie over het lidmaatschap?
U kunt zich onderstaand aanmelden als lid van de Vereniging Deltametropool of eerst meer informatie opvragen. Het informatiepakket wordt u kosteloos toegezonden.